Helicopters are one of the most effective methods of aerial utility and pipeline patrol. They offer excellent visibility, the ability to fly low and slow, and hover and land if needed. The helicopter's ability to land immediately to evaluate leaks, washouts, or other activity near the right-of-way is a valuable assessment and prevention tool. It increases immediate availability to problem situations, as well as offers a much better view than other aircraft.
Falcon’s Approach
Falcon Helicopters has used Enstrom helicopters for pipeline patrol for more than 25 years. Enstroms are the best choice for helicopter pipeline patrol for several important reasons. First, Enstroms have powerful, turbo-charged piston engines. This ensures safety and control even at high altitudes and in hot weather. Second, Enstroms offer better visibility than airplanes and can fly much closer to the aerial patrol right-of-way. This is especially important in densely forested areas where right-of-way visibility is limited. Finally, Enstroms are cost-effective to maintain and operate, allowing cost savings to be passed directly on to pipeline operators. Aerial patrol requires the right aircraft, and Enstroms are by far the best fit.

Helicopter Patrol Services
Pipeline Patrol
Power Line Patrol
Fiber-optic Line Patrol
Cathodic Protection Surveys
Pipeline Construction Support
Right-of-Way Surveys
Right-of-Way Aerial Videotaping
Structure Photography
Span Surveys
GPS Mapping
Emergency Line Inspection
Where We Provide Helicopter Pipeline Patrol

Photo Gallery of Helicopter Patrols
- Drilling in Mid-Western U.S.
- Helicopter Patrol in Wyoming
- Trenching New Pipeline
- Sinkhole in NE Texas
- Backhoe on Right of Way